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Songs of Faith, by Kirby Lee Davis

The Lord Is My Shepherd

The Lord is my shepherd.

I shall not want.

He leads me through green pastures to rest beside still waters.

I will fear no evil, for I know He is with me.

He guides me along the right paths for His name’s sake.


For I do all things through the Lord, who gives me strength,

And stands beside me along my way.

So I trust in the Lord, and submit to His will,

Seeking His straight path all of the day.


The Lord is my shepherd.

I shall not want.

Even as I wander through the dark shadow of death

I will fear no evil, for I know He is with me.

His goodness and mercy will light all the days of my life!


For I know God works through all things to His will,

Upholding believers in His righteous hand.

So we trust in the Lord, and submit to His will,

Taking His straight path across this land.


Dwelling in His Spirit, we share the fruits of his love,

Helping us escape temptation’s snares.

Joy, peace, and goodness, faithfulness, self-control,

And prayer, to hear His words through all of our cares.


The Lord is my shepherd.

He refreshes my soul,

He prepares my table in the presence of my enemies.

He anoints me with oil.

My cup overflows!

I shall dwell in the house of the Lord forevermore.

And I shall dwell in the house of the Lord forevermore.

— Copyright August 2016,

Kirby Lee Davis

For God So Loved the World

God so loved the world that He gave His only Son,

So that all who came to Him could have eternal life. 

God so loved the world that He gave His one and only Son,

So that all who came to Him could have eternal life. 

God loved, so He gave.

God loved, so He gave.


So give to all who ask of you, and do not turn from those needing you.

Love your enemies, and pray for those who face you.

Give to all who ask of you, and do not turn from those needing you.

Love your enemies, and pray for those who hate you.

For God loves, so He gives.

As we love, so we give. 


For God did not send his Son to condemn the world, but to save the world

So all who seek Him could be blessed.

So forgive others, and let your light shine to the world.

So all may see Him, and be blessed.

So all may find Him, and be blessed.

So all will know Him, and be blessed.


For God so loved the world that He gave His only Son

So that all who came to Him would have eternal life. 

For God so loved the world that He gave His one and only Son

So that all who came to Him would have eternal life. 

God loves, so He gives.

As we love, so we give.

As we love, we must give.

As we love, so we give.


For God so loved the world that He gave His only Son

So that all who came to Him would have eternal life.

— Copyright July 2016, Kirby Lee Davis

When I pray, when I pray, and heed what Christ will say,

Faith and hope spring forth anew ever when I pray.

Faith and hope spring forth anew ever when I pray.


When I just can't find my path through this troubled day,

I seek shelter in Your grace, and kneel down to pray.

Though my storms may blaze in wrath, peace will come my way

In the love that pours from You when I stop and pray.

When I pray, when I pray, and hear what God will say,

Faith and hope spring forth anew ever when I pray.

Faith and hope spring forth anew ever when I pray.


When temptations fall on me in shadows cold and gray,

I let my heart take rest in You, and close my eyes to pray.

As ambition's slippery voice tests its prideful sway,

I draw strength from lessons learned making time to pray.

When I pray, when I pray, and heed what Christ will say,

Faith and hope spring forth anew ever when I pray.

Faith and hope spring forth anew ever when I pray.


Walking hand in hand with You, sharing all the way,

Teaches me about the grace I feel when I pray.

Taking in Your words of love to power through each day

Helps me witness of the trust I gain when I pray.

When I pray, when I pray, and heed what Christ will say,

Faith and hope spring forth anew ever when I pray.

Faith and hope spring forth anew ever when I pray.

— Copyright July 2014, Kirby Lee Davis

When I Pray
The Source

Some days I see no end

To the trials I must bear.

No matter what steps I take,

They catch me unaware.

Yet I try to not let it bother me,

For the answer’s always clear

In the One who gave His life for me

And keeps me ever near.

Creator, Savior, Father, Friend,

You’re this and so much more!

Redeemer, Teacher, Shepherd, Lord!

It’s You that I adore!


With each morning’s rise,

My soul gives thanks to You,

And as I drift into dreams,

I place my trust in You!

For all I have, and all I am,

Begins and ends with You,

And all that I will ever be

Draws from the heart of You!

Creator, Savior, Father, Friend,

You’re all this and oh, so much more!

Redeemer, Teacher, Shepherd, Lord!

It’s You that I live for! It’s You that I live for!


I’m humbled by the times

I’ve fallen to despair,

Lusts that drain my life,

Anger so prone to flare.

Yet I stand forgiven

Within Your loving care,

A gift I don’t deserve,

Yet never shows its wear!


Creator, Savior, Father, Friend,

You’re all this and oh, so much more!

Redeemer, Teacher, Shepherd, Lord!

It’s You that I adore! It’s You that I adore!

— Copyright September 2014,

Kirby Lee Davis

My God Stands Ever At My Side

So join with me now!  


Let’s fear nothing in our way  

For we know, come what may,

Our God stands ever at our side!

He guides us through each day   

And corrects us if we stray.

God walks now and forever at our side. 


Now and forever,

Now and forever! 

Now and forever at our side!  Ohhhhh!

Now and forever! 

Now and forever! 

Now and forever at our side!

— Copyright March 2017, Kirby Lee Davis

I fear nothing in my way  

For I know, come what may,

My God stands ever at my side!

He guides me through each day   

And corrects me if I stray.

God walks now and forever at my side!


Come wind, snow or rain, 

I know I’ll stand the strain,

For my God strides ever at my side!

He stills my deepest pain 

And restores my hope again. 

God walks now and forever at my side!


I know I couldn’t make it now 

Without His loving care.

The traps along my path would tear my soul.

But with His light upon my brow 

And strength within each prayer,

Christ’s faith, hope and love will keep me whole,

And that alone will get me to my goal!

I fear nothing in my way  

For I know, come what may,

My God stands ever at my side!

He guides me through each day   

And corrects me if I stray.

God walks now and forever at my side!


Come wind, snow or rain, 

I know I’ll stand the strain,

For my God strides ever at my side!

He stills my deepest pain 

And restores my hope again. 

God walks now and forever at my side!


I know I couldn’t make it now 

Without His loving care.

The traps along my path would tear my soul.

But with His light upon my brow 

And strength within each prayer,

Christ’s faith, hope and love will keep me whole,

And that alone will get me to my goal!​

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